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Doctor Sold Prescriptions at Starbucks

It was never our intention to to become a watchdog website that would use our outlet to humiliate unethical doctors criminals.criminal doctyr

Yet recently we are reading some stories that compel us to provide as much of a “comeuppance” as we can to shady and unethical doctors like Alvin Ming-Czech Yee of Mission Viejo (medical practice was in Irvine).

This “doctor” sat in a Starbucks Coffee Shop and sold prescriptions for OxyContin –  also known as”legal heroin” (or also known as “the prescription drug that is shattering families in record numbers).”

Again, let us reiterate that Dr. Yee would perform his examinations in Starbucks. the “examinations” would last about a minute. Yee would meet up with a dozen people per night in Starbucks throughout Orange County.  The “examinations” drug deals consisted of taking blood pressure and asking patients addicts to bend over to touch their toes.  Yee laughed and joked with patients — and undercover DEA agents — and told them business was good, prosecutors allege.

Yee was brazen but careless.  Drug dealers in other states used Yee as a source and got busted.  A drug dealer in Seattle was busted attempting to sell large quantities of OxyContin and Roxicodone (hundreds of tablets) that he got from Yee.  Several OC area pharmacists refused to honor prescriptions written by Yee because of the large number and high dosages of his narcotic prescriptions.  The patients aroused the pharmacists suspicions because they were between 25 and 30, came in groups and paid cash.  Yee said some pharmacies started “freaking out” when they saw his patients with multiple potent medications on the same prescription sheet, the affidavit states.

Let us put up a couple of pictures of “Doctor” Yee and highlight some of his transgressions:

Good luck on trial Dr. Yee, you’re going to need it.  Enjoy the loss of your career and your freedom.

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